The Bible Plug

Our Mission

To help ground daily life in the eternal values & principles available by  tapping into the power of biblical understanding

Our Vision & Values

Safely & securely reconnecting humanity to The Source.

Love (1 Corinth.13:4-7)

Equity (Isaiah 11:4)

Creativity (Exodus 35:35)

Discernment (Ezekiel 44:23)

Our Plan

We create content to help people authentically transform by connecting day to day life to eternal principles. By exploring topics like arts, equity, and faith we aim to:

What is a "Bible Plug"?

In Hip Hop culture, the term “plug” can refer to a point of contact who can access or provide items that are valuable but hard to get (i.e. drugs, discounts). A plug, aka “connect”,  has the right network to easily navigate between the source or supplier of goods and the end user. Electricity works the same way – energy is exchanged when a cord or device is plugged into an outlet or energy source. Connection results in mutually beneficial exchange. aims to be a place where untraditional and unchurched believers can engage in the study and application of biblical truths through creativity and courageous conversations.

Our charge (pun fully intended) is to tap into the power of biblical understanding, grounding daily life in eternal values & principles.

Our Beliefs

These children require your help!

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The GodHead

(Deuteronomy 6:4; Colossians 2:9)

The Lord our God is one and is identified throughout scripture in three expressions: Father (The Source), Son (The Plug), and Holy Spirit (The Energy).

Biblical Authority

(Psalm 19:7-11)

Although written by men of very specific cultures and time periods, the Bible is inspired by an eternal loving God who impressed upon them the perfect message.


(Mark 12:29-31; Luke 6:31)

Although humanity is corrupted, every human bears the image of their creator. Therefore,  everyone must be treated with respect, compassion, love, kindness, and dignity.


(Acts 20:35; Isaiah 11:4; James 2:1-4)

Hateful, harmful, or harassing behavior/attitudes directed toward any individual are unscriptural, wholly unacceptable, and punishable.